Added ApplyStabilityPatch parameter which toggles off bugfixes, but keep vram adjust feature. Added memory control feature to avoid lod issues for users with not enough physical vram size and for future mods, modify enblocal.ini category based on information reported by VRamSizeTest dx11 tool (do not set value bigger than reported by it). V0.282: Did workaround for Steam GameOverlayRenderer64.dll library which hooks in to game even when Steam overlay disabled which crashes with the ENBoost. Added UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics parameter to enblocal.ini to disable graphic modification code for maximal performance. V0.283: Added draw calls statistics to profiler.

Version includes only few generic features of the mod, mostly it's patch for some issues similar to AntiFreeze patches i did in the past. POSTING THE ENBSERIES BINARY FILES ON NEXUS SITES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED